The Mighty Maui and the Furious Eel
Long, long ago in the calm, crystal sea there lived the brave, strong Maui and his tribe. Maui and his grumbling stomach was starving with plead. His brothers were also hungry. Strangely they never found any fish. “Aaargh!!! Where is all our food” they said on the first day with no stuff.
Meanwhile, the humongous Tuna was busy deciding what to steal next. It had stolen their wood, wakas and food. But Tangaroa god of the sea was still watching.The eel then leaped out of the lake. It bit into a waka. Then another and another. He jumped and jumped. When would it stop!!!
While the Tuna attacked Maui's village, Tangaroa knew that he had to do do something. He couldn’t stand the village and the eel. He knew he had to do something, but something that had peace in it. So when the eel bit into a waka Tangaroa god of the sea yelled, “STOP”!!!
Then everyone and everywhere was quiet. “ Please stop everyone” Tangaroa exclaimed. “If you want a agreement I am here to make one. So Tuna you can live in the far end of the ocean and Maui you live in the close part of the sea. That way you can both have enough fish to eat . Maui you eat all the close fish and Tuna you can have all the fish in the far far end. So now you both can be friends” Tangaroa said. Maui and the Eel shook hands.”Deal”!!!
I like how you have included characters like Tangaroa from our other Maui narratives. Your writing is an entertaining piece. - Mrs T