The Short Cut
Question 1: How long is it from Auckland- Los Angeles?
Question 2: Who is Elliot’s friend?
Question 3: Where are Elliot and his mum and Sean and his family heading to in the first place?
Question 4:Who come to rescue Elliot, Sean, and Sean’s dad?
Question 5: What do the Mums take with them when they go the get help?
Question 6: How many kilometers is the short cut supposed to save them?
Question 7: Where is the spare tire?
Question 8: How would you feel without water like Elliot & Sean
Question 9: What would you take with you when you go to the dessert
Question 10: If you were in the same situation as Elliot and Sean, what would you do?
Q1.12h 10m
Q3.united staites,los-vaiges
Q4.There mums
Q5.water,apple and GPS
Q6.120 kilo meters