Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The ruru/morepork should bird of the year.

I firmly believe that the ruru should bird of the year.  You should listen to me because firstly, in the Maori culture, it is treasured and seen as the watchful guardian. Secondly, the ruru stands out and looks elegant and thirdly it is very unique. Let me explain all of this with detail.

Paragraph 1
Firstly, the ruru is an elegant, vivid bird that stands out from other NZ birds for its unique and interesting characteristics.
The ruru(morepork) is a chestnut brown, compact owl. It has conspicuous yellow eyes and they are set into two facial disks either side of a small sharply hooked bill. The back feathers are dark-brown, spotted delicately with white.The breast is dark-brown, variably streaked with cream and brown through to rufous, a reddish-brown colour. The reason it stands out is because its eyes are a vibrant yellow and they shine in the moonlight.

Paragraph 2 
As I told you before that the ruru in Maori is called the watchful guardian. As a bird of the night, the ruru is combined with the spirit world. Its unusually high, shrill call means negative news such as a death. Although the more common ruru call announces positive news. The morepork also stands for sincere, useful, suitable and up-to-date.

Paragraph 3
The marvelous morepork is extremely unique.
The morepork is the only remaining native owl species found in New Zealand apart from the barn owl, which has only very recently colonised New Zealand from Australia. It is also the only species of owl in New Zealand that inhabits forests. 

The ruru is an extraordinary bird. It is elegant, seen as the watchful guardian and it is unique. moreporks are extremely special, and no other bird could be better than a ruru.  So please, vote the ruru/morepork to be BIRD OF THE YEAR!!!


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Plants Expirment

Plants Absorbing Water 
To colour celery or cabbage leaves - Try and see how plants absorb water

Glass jars x4 
Cabbage leaves 
4 different colours of food colouring 
Scissors/knife/chopping board to cut the celey

FIll up 4 glass jars up to around half way 
Put approximately 10 drops of different coloured food colouring into each jar
Place a celery stick or a cabbage leaf into each jar

Part 1 - Explain why plants need water- Romaisa

Water helps a plant by transporting important nutrients through the plant. Nutrients are made from the soil and used by the plant. Without enough water  plants will not live. Water helps a plant stand and water carries the sugar that plants need and other nutrients. Water is very important to plant growth.  Their body needs water to keep hydrated. Water keeps the plant moist, flexible, and helps the plant make its own food.

Part 2 - How they absorb water-Akshara
When a water molocule escapes out into the atmosphere, through a stoma, it pulls the water molecule below it to take its place. That molecule will then pull the molecule below it. This will contiue on and on, until it reaches the roots. This process of pulling each other is called cohesion. Due to cohesion, water molecules stick to each other forming an endless chain. Plants access water through the soil. The roots are the transportation system to get the water from the soil and to the parts of the plant where it is needed. The roots branch into smaller and smaller roots, and the smallest roots are called root hairs. These root hairs absorb water into the root system, which then takes the water to the rest of the plants.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Moon Jellyfish

The Moon Jellyfish 

The moon jellyfish also known as the Aurelia Aurita is one of the most common jellyfish in the Rhode Island. It looks like a solid piece of jelly.  Its body is like an umbrella. A moon jellyfish’s sting has a burning pain and feels like a scorpion just bit you on your hand. A moon jellyfish is an owl and swim in the water which then surprises them. Their tentacles gently sway back and forth to help them float peacefully in the salty ocean.  Moon jellyfish are peaceful creatures unless they feel threatened. They strike, giving no mercy to their victims.    

How I Alienated My Grandma

How I Alienated My Grandma Do you love sci-fi books? Well, if you do, you should read, “How I Alienated My Grandma”.  Everyone should have a...