The majestic, tall sunflower wasn’t like that at first. It
was small and tiny and grew into a beautiful plant. It takes its own time and will finally be what it is meant to be!!!
Paragraph 2 The seeds root and shoot germinating process
The elegant sunflower starts its process with a tiny seed. It looks like a teardrop and probably a droplet. It is hard and rough like concrete and rocks. The sunflower seed is a dark and misty black with plain, peachy coloured flecks and stripes. Then it starts to grow a small root that is also a peachy coloured. The root looks like a young girl’s blonde ponytail. It also looks like a sloppy, spiraling worm. Shortly after that, a small green shoot sprouts up and shows itself to mother nature. It’s small and fragile and has been up in the daylight for a short amount of time.
Paragraph 3 The growth and spread of the root, stem and leaves
After this stage a stem will start to grow. It will grow taller and taller. It also starts to develop light green leaves that are also fragile. It gains more and more leaves every single day. As the leaves grow, the root will also grow, stabilizing the plant into the soil. This is because if the roots didn’t stabilize the plant it would blow away into the sky.
Paragraph 4 The head blooming and fully growing
As the sunflower grows taller and prouder a bud or a head will grow. In the heads early stage it is light grassy green. But It doesn’t stay like this forever, the head turns into a bright flower with silky, yellow petals.
The petals spread out so that the sun can see them.
Paragraph 5 The seeds development and dying process
In the inner circle of the flower there are an array of seeds that turn black like the night sky. Once the flower has been pollinated by bees, the seeds will start to fall or will get blown away and spread out into the surroundings. Lastly, at the end of its long process, the sunflower withers and dies. It collapses and falls into the ground. However more sunflowers will grow and will follow this process.
The sunflower has lived a long 120 days. It started as a tiny, baby seed and has developed so quickly into an exquisite flower.