Tuesday, September 15, 2020

How To Make A Stress Ball

 How To Make A Stress Ball

Hi, there. Do you need something to make for Market Day but there’s only like a week till you have to sell something? Well, you should make stress balls. Its VERY easy to make, so it won’t take you that long to make about 30 stress balls if you’re in a group. 

To Make Stress Balls, You Will Need:

  • A tub/bag of Flour

  • A packet of Ballons

  • 1 Teaspoon

  •  A Funnel

Firstly, grab a ballon and a funnel. But the balloon on the funnel, so that the balloon is sorta upside down.

Secondly, get a full teaspoon of flour and carefully pour it into the funnel. Make sure that a buddy or friend is holding the funnel and balloon while you pour the flour in. Shake the funnel lightly, so that the funnel doesn’t break but also ensuring that the flour will tip into the balloon. You can put more than one teaspoon. It depends on how big you want your stress ball to be. If you want a small stress ball, don’t put too much flower, probably about two teaspoons. But if you want a huge stress ball, put more flour, about four or five teaspoons should do it. Once you have correctly checked that you have the right amount of flour, slowly and carefully, take the balloon of the funnel. Make sure that flour doesn’t come out of the balloon, and that it doesn’t pop. Then ask someone whos good at tying balloons, or yourself. Tye the balloon up and then you are done. Congratulations, you made a stress ball. If you want more than one, do what you did before, lots of times. You may find it easier to work in a group so more than one person can make stress balls. Hope you make stress balls and sell all of them. Bye.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

That Was Lockdown

That Was Lockdown

Remember when we were all patiently, waiting for the necessary 1 pm news updates?

Remember when I rode my ordinary bike and my brother was quietly slumbering away?

That was Lockdown

Remember when we baked luscious, piquant, and appetizing cookies and my brother nearly scoffed them all?

Remember when we sat in the green grass while reading an alluring, amusing, and amazing book?

That was lockdown

Remember when we sat by the windowsill, and watched rain drizzle onto the solid, strong ground. 

Remember when we used to sit on the bouncy couch while watching a spectacular movie and while eating delectable popcorn.

Remember when it was night and I carefully read my book when my parents went to sleep.

Do you remember when I had to look after my painful stitches, all while my brother watched TV?

That was Lockdown







Wednesday, September 2, 2020

My Father

 My Dad

My dad is a fence, guarding me against baddies.

He is a lion frightening away anything that scares me.

My dad is a piece of toast, soft and buttery on the inside. 

He is a superhero, a strong man protecting us.

My dad is the wind and breeze, chilled about everything,

He is a supermarket, offering me good food and occasionally, buying me sweets and lollies.

My dad is a computer, smart and helpful.

He is a forest fire, giving me a path.

My dad is a soft toy, helping me with my problems

He is anything and everything to me. 

Happy Fathers Day

How I Alienated My Grandma

How I Alienated My Grandma Do you love sci-fi books? Well, if you do, you should read, “How I Alienated My Grandma”.  Everyone should have a...